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With thanks to Linda Marshall

Basic facility size:

Above-ground square footage: 31,405

Basement square footage: 4,886

Property square footage: 88,200

April 1994 - the first Building Supervisor, Steve Smith, was hired to take pressure off of the many volunteers that had been keeping up with building maintenance issues.

November 1994 - a Feasibility Study was presented. It is well documented in the binder titled 1997 Renovations.


December 2004 - The new organ installation began.


August 2007 - Installation of Western Cedar ceiling in the Nave replacing sound absorbing tiles.


December 2010 - Organ installation completed.  It was well documented in the publication, “Celebrating Our New Organ” created for the Inaugural Recital held on March 13, 2011. The first public performance was on December 5, 2010 by, then long-time Music Director, Linda Mayes.


February 10, 2010 - Linda Marshall became our current building Manager.


The church was introduced to HPSI Buying Group, who provides excellent discounts for churches nationwide, from some our vendors. They include Otis Elevator, Lowes, Sherwin Williams, U.S. Foodservice, and Home Depot.


2010 - A building maintenance program was created to help keep up with the ever-growing tasks that are involved with a building of this size.


Preschool space was expanded to include 3 basement classrooms, the new Children’s Library, and a 4th room for computer usage.


A volunteer network continues to grow. Many talented members have logged hundreds of hours (if not thousands) since 2010.


2011 - Replaced boiler serving the Sanctuary Building.


Ongoing moisture problems plague the Chapel building: plaster bubbling in several rooms, water entering the Commons area during hard rainstorms. The prior was taken care of by providing a larger concrete pad for the dumpster. It also helped channel the water to the sewer and away from the stairwell. Roof leak issues continue in the Chapel mostly. HVAC issues include temperature variations between the basement and Sanctuary.


Vandalism included the theft of our copper downspouts, our shed door was taken off of its hinges, broken windows and doors created a challenge.


2014 - We replaced Chapel gutters with K Guard. This eliminated the need for high gutters to be cleaned of leaves and debris.


2016 - We had a complete Stained Glass Study done and were cautioned about letting them continue to deteriorate. Estimated repair cost $158,815 with a replacement value of $919,290.


Cameras were added first to the outside of the building and later the inside.


Updated security system and added fob keyless entry to 2 outside doors.


Parking lot lights and poles were updated to energy-efficient LED fixtures, thanks to a donation from the estate of Saundra Pelicity. LED bulbs were retrofitted into as many spaces as possible and will continue to be added. Parking lot was resurfaced.


2018 - a new split, roof-mounted, unit to control office heating and cooling was installed. It currently serves the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor’s offices. Expansion is planned for the 2 remaining units in the main office.


June 2, 2019 - Chapel was flooded due to a roof drainage problem that arose during a record rainfall.  It took months to correct the problem and repair the damage, which affected all levels of the Chapel.


We have established an excellent network of vendors that help us keep the church in running condition. A major contractor, G.J. Hopkins, Inc. provides both property management and servicing on our heating and air conditioning equipment.


The maintenance department consists of one full-time manager, one part-time person and volunteers who are willing to help with some of the more time-consuming tasks. We are responsible for the daily operations and upkeep of the building and entire grounds and management of some of the equipment. We also take care of the Preschool needs and concerns.

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact Us

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